Monday, August 31, 2015

No Fear!

"Because God's children are human beings--made of flesh and blood--Jesus also became flesh and blood by being born in human form.  For only as a human being could he die, and only be dying could he break the power of the Devil, who had the power of death.  Only in this way could he deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying." (Hebrews 2:14-15)

Did you know that we're not supposed to be afraid of dying?  Jesus' death and resurrection delivers us from the fear of dying.  Because Jesus rose again from the grave--we can have confidence that we too will rise again. 

For the past two weeks, Tina and I, have experienced a raging storm that has brought us face to face with the frailty of physical life.  Even now, back in the office, I find myself distracted by Tina's condition.  Is she alright?  Does she need me to come home?  [2 minute break while I call home . . . ok, she is fine]  Fear is the real enemy!  It will rob us of peace, contentment, and the miracle of living in the present.  For Tina and I, we're focusing on making today the best today that it can possibly be.  We're trying not to worry about yesterday or tomorrow.  We're living right now! 

Let me invite you to join us in practicing the Serenity Prayer, "Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time".  Let's get started!  Live!

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